Take Care Of Your Baby This Summer
Soaring temperature in summer is a major parental concern about newborn babies. While met officials have already warned of a comparatively severe summer this year, a little precaution can save your baby from facing the heat.
Earlier times, there were ‘cool’ grandmas at home to protect their grandchildren with their tips and tricks gained from their experience. But in today’s Double-Income-Single-Kid nuclear family system, young parents need advice and proper guidance regarding summer care. Let us look into some key advice provided by pediatricians to make your baby chill out while Mercury shoots up in day time.
Enjoy with them indoor
Try to say NO to Baby’s Day Out. Especially in peak hotter hours, keep them inside home. Nowadays, Sun burn does not spare even elders. You can take them for a stroll in the evening, once the hot rays bid good bye for the day. In unavoidable situations, keep a cotton sheet as the seat for the baby as it will absorb sweat and keep it dry. Prefer natural fabric like cotton dress during summer as synthetic dress cannot absorb sweat.
Feed them fresh air
Babies can become overheated quickly than adults. So don’t leave them in closed room or parked car. In that case, within minutes the body temperature can increase causing trouble for them.
Make them free
As long as possible, try to make the baby free of nappy, as it can harm the baby by making the body warm in summer leading to sweat at the waist.
Select a suitable Carrier
Let your baby sit in cool. Prefer a carrier made of light nylon rather than heavy fabric. Denim like materials can make the infant hot. Take out the baby from the carrier once you notice the flushed face as it is the symbol of uneasiness.
Heat Exhaustion
It the body is overheated, the baby may show signs of irritation including reluctance to wake up and shows no interest to eat or drink. As overheating gets more sever, the baby might be more sleepy, may vomit and the skin might go dry. There is a possibility of developing fever. In that case consult a doctor immediately.
If the baby sweats too much in summer days tiny red bumps may start to cluster on the neck , in the folds of her skin at the back of knees, or in the crease of elbows. To relieve heat rash, remove the sticky dress and put on loose cotton clothes, and apply cornstarch baby powder to the affected areas. Keeping the baby in a cool, ventilated room will help relieve symptoms.
Residual massage oil can form a layer of sweat on the skin of the baby, leading to a heat rash. So, ensure that you wash off all such oil from the body
Minimal Sunscreen
Babies under 6 months may be kept out of direct sunlight, as the skin is thinner compared to adult. In case of unavoidable outing, a minimal amount of sunscreen may be applied only after the consultation from the doctor.
Let them enjoy the summer
Let your baby splash around in inflatable baby pool with a little water, this is one of the best ways to keep the body cool, but only with parental supervision
Last but not the least : Hydration
Keep an eye on your baby to ensure its body never gets dehydrated. Compared to adults, babies can get dehydrated faster.
For babies younger than six months who are exclusively breastfed, there is no need for extra water. Those who are breastfed in demanded intervals don’t get dehydrated. The heat may make their body want to feed more frequently, so take care them accordingly. For older babies ensure
the intake of enough fluids in regular interval.
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