Matria Wellness Centre
It is all about being well. How you manage to bring your inner feeling of wellness is the key to a pleasant life. Some negative factors pull you back leaving you dull and depressed. Irrespective of time and position, depression can conquer you and destabilize your mind and mood.
Depression during and after pregnancy is not uncommon nowadays. As per recent studies, postnatal depression among women is on the rise in Kerala.
The reasons for prenatal depression can vary from anxiety to social and/or emotional issues. In many cases, women are reluctant to talk to the doctor about mood changes in pregnancy due to the stigma associated with depression. It is highly recommended to be open. Talking always resolves.
The risk factors of depression during pregnancy include anxiety, stress, history of depression, poor social support and unintended pregnancy while postpartum depression risk factors can be anything like
- History of depression
- Family members who have had depression
- Experience of any stressful events during the past year
- Baby having health problems
- Having twins, triplets or other multiple births
- Difficulty breast-feeding
- Relationship problems with spouse or others
- Weak support system
- Financial problems
- The pregnancy was unplanned or unwanted
Prenatal Depression Symptoms
- Anticipation of birth complications
- Severe mood swings
- Intense irritability and anger
- Body Image Issues
- Sleeplessness
- Loss of appetite.
- Crying episodes
- Restlessness and Impatience
Postnatal Depression Symptoms
- Anxiety regarding the health of a child
- Body Image Issues
- Feeling of inadequacy.
- Difficulty in bonding with baby
- Sleeplessness
- Overwhelming Fatigue
- Postpartum Depression
Timely intervention and treatment can solve the emotional issues faced by such depressions. You need motherly care and attention by professionals who are already experienced in handling such situations.
Matria Wellness Centreis coming up with a holistic healing approach to help you stay happy and healthy throughout your life. Equipped with specialised services include Personal Counselling, Prenatal Counselling, Postnatal Counselling, Psycho-education, Support Group and Behavioral Training. This centre has an exclusive division for pre and postnatal wellness care.